14 November 2011


What do you do with goods boxes? Do you throw them out? Or do you keep old gloves in them? You can make more effective use of them – to help birds survive severe winter months. Special packages from TM “Expedition” goods can be easily converted into feeding racks for birds.
One just need to cut along the dotted line, put inside some seeds or other food for birds and hang the box up on a tree.

And that’s not all. New web-sites has appeared in “Expedition” internet range to support the action — www.happy-birdday.com There is a map on the web-site, where you can place your photo with feeding racks and connect it to the actual location.

There is an individual code on each “Expedition” box-feeding rack. Every tenth person registered the code on the web-site will receive a mug “Fist Aid!” Each person registered 100 codes will get a present: trip to Ruyan-city!